February sees a change in the parish office with our parish secretary/office manager Emer Dolphin Murray leaving to take up a new work role. We thank Emer for her 15 years of service to the
parish. Emer initially was asked by the late Fr. Tony Cahir to computerize the parish records in 2006 and then to become the parish’s secretary. The role of parish secretary is central in the working of a parish, the first voice or face that so many people encounter in engaging with the parish.
We acknowledge the work that Emer has done over these years, putting systems in place, keeping meticulous records, creating new technologies with parish web site and face book.
We thank Emer for her professionalism and the competent way she has worked alongside the parish clergy and pastoral council. We wish Emer well in the next chapter of her life and her new work position.
Sharon Conneely has been appointed as new parish secretary and we welcome her.
Sharon is a member of our parish and is from a well know family and comes with extensive work experience and we are fortunate that she has taken on this role.

The opening time for the parish office:
Monday to Friday 9.30 – 12.30pm
Phone: 05791 – 22028
