3 events found.
Faith Formation – Alpha Course
A Faith Formation programme called the Alpha Course is commencing on Thursday, 7th March in the Resource Centre, Glebe Street from 8.00 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. This is an interfaith event. Everyone is encouraged to come, and if possible to bring a friend.
Confirmation 2019
Most Rev Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to children and adults of our parish on next Saturday, 2nd March. There will be two ceremonies; the first begins at 11 am and the second at 3pm. All are welcome to attend the Masses and to share in these joyful celebrations […]
Birr Community Games
Art, Model-making & Handwriting competition for Under 8 to Under 16 Girls & Boys in Marian Hall Sunday 10th March 2019 from 11- 4 pm. All welcome.