In this parish we promote best practice at all times in relation to safeguarding children involved in parish activities. All who are involved in working with children and young people in the parish are required to follow these practices, as adopted by the Parish Pastoral Council. The Birr Parish Mission Statement regarding participation of children and young people in Church is displayed in both churches and the Marian Hall:
“The Parish of Birr welcomes and encourages the participation of children and young people in Church life and activities. The Parish does all in its power to ensure the safety of children, young people and adults in carrying out any such activity.”
These standards have been unanimously approved by the Parish Pastoral Council
- Two adults must be present where any young people are involved in church activities
- Altar servers sign a register on every occasion they attend church, for liturgy and rehearsal
- Permission forms are obtained for all under 18 year-olds taking part in choirs, readers or altar servers. These forms are kept on file for ten years.
- All adults and clergy working with children sign a self-declaration form. At present all clergy and adults working/helping in the sacristy and are present at the same time as children, must obtain Garda clearance.
- No photographs may be taken at First Communion, First Confession, Confirmation ceremonies while these are taking place.
- An audit of procedures under the ‘Keeping Children Safe Policy’ is undertaken on a yearly basis.
- A representative is in place to co-ordinate the implementation of Child Safety Policy in the parish of Birr
- The Parish Clergy and Parish Pastoral Council have fully adopted all necessary procedures, as recommended by the Diocesan Child Safety Committee
- On a Diocesan basis, Ms Cleo Yates co-ordinates the implementation of the policy and works in conjunction with the Bishop. The Diocesan Safeguarding policy can be seen here.
Diocesan Designated Persons :
Cleo Yates,
Diocesan Designated Officer
C/O Westbourne, Ennis, Co Clare
086 809 6027
Deputy Designated Liaison Person
Joe Searson
Mobile: 0852535326
Parish Safeguarding Representatives
Ms. Laura King
Ms. Elaine Eastwood
Local HSE Duty Social Worker Contacts
Offaly Area – 057 932 2488
North Tipperary Area – 067 46 660
An Gardaí Síochána
Birr – 057 912 0016 or 057 916 9710
Nenagh – 067 50 450